Are You Attracting Your Ideal Customer?

Can you really grow your business and your email list without knowing who your ideal customer is? Maybe in theory, but if you try to attract everyone, you might end up attracting no one.

Instead of searching for customers, it is easier to draw them to you. When you understand your ideal customer needs you can provide helpful content and experiences that showcases your knowledge.

In order to be successful with your email marketing, you need to understand the audience you are trying to reach. You want to identify the people your product or service can benefit the most. To do this you will want to create an ideal customer avatar. Your ideal customer avatar represents your target audience.

Attracting Your Target Audience

Imagine your ideal customer coming to you, looking for the exact products or services you provide. This can be your reality if you take the time to create your ideal customer avatar. Once you know who your ideal customer is, you can market to them in a way that entices them to you.

Three things to attract your target audience:

  1. Identify who your ideal client is (be as specific and provide as much detail about this person as possible)
  2. Create content they’ll be drawn to (blogs, social media posts and website optimization)
  3. Convert those prospects into paying clients

The best part? By doing this, you’ll also identify people who you want to work with.

Why You Need an Ideal Customer

Finding your ideal customer topic comes up all the time and most people skip this step. Don’t skip this important step. Don’t make the mistake of assuming everyone is part of your target audience. Oftentimes when you are targeting everyone you be connecting with no one. There’s no point in building a large email list if you aren’t being specific with who you target. Your ideal customer are the people you enjoy serving.

For instance, let’s say you own a high-end clothing line for women - you’d be wasting your marketing efforts if you marketed towards young men. Your goal is to know this woman so well that you think and speak like her and know what emotions she experiences when buying high-end clothing.

Connecting with your audience is easier when you understand them well enough to relate to their problems and even provide solutions that make their lives easier.

Knowing What You Want Matters

Remember this is your ideal customer and that means you need to consider what type of customer you want to work with.

To narrow down your niche, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who do I want to target?
  • Who can I help the most?
  • Where do I think I can bring the biggest transformations in their lives?

Your answers will give you an initial perception of who your ideal customer is, but you’ll also need demographics and psychographics to know more about your target audience.  Common demographic characteristics like age, income, gender, marital status, industry, etc. and psychographics like values, beliefs, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, etc.

Determine as many specific details about your customer as possible so you can best serve their needs and provide value to them.

Make the time for it

Unfortunately, some people put in the effort to identify their ideal customer and fail to do anything with the information. If your goal is to grow your business and your email list, keep your target audience at the front of your mind. Your ideal customer should influence almost every business decision you make.

The moral of the story is to find out as much as you possibly can about your ideal customer. By creating a specific avatar, it doesn’t mean you’ll miss out on customers who don’t fit that mold. The opposite is often true and you’ll attract more people because you’re more specialized. The more details you know about your audience, the more your business will grow.

Photo by Jirsak on Depositphotos

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