Control the Clutter, Control Your Destiny 

Working around the clock to catch up with your work yet still feeling like you're behind in your work leads to clutter and chaos. Think objectively about your workday. Are you thinking about filing the current paperwork on your desk or are you thinking about the rest of your workload? I'm guessing those papers get thrown into a pile while your mind wanders off to other things that are on your to-do list. This is how clutter starts to build up which can lead you down a slippery path with too much chaos. Here's another guess: You'll be distracted by something else on the list so it will keep piling up, month after month.

Oftentimes when we're experiencing clutter-related issues in our homes and in our professional lives, it's because we're simply overwhelmed and overworked. Just like painters take a step back so they can gain a wider perspective of their work before making corrections to their canvas, you should do the same with your life’s clutter to get out of the emotional depth that comes with it. Take frequent breaks, exercise often, surround yourself with supportive people and try to find ways to enjoy life's daily adventures. Remember, your quality of life depends on how organized and clear you keep things!

Hire an Assistant

The average person spends between 6-7 hours every week dealing with clutter, and with the demand on our schedules so high lately, it’s easy to let paper piles and empty packages collect into enormous mountains of junk. If you don’t have time in your day to combat clutter, then it’s time to outsource to the experts. A personal assistant can handle the business filing and shredding while also running your household errands. You may even find someone willing to do light cleaning and cooking, which frees up even MORE of your time for your money tasks.

Hire a Professional Organizer

Most professional organizers claim that clutter is the result of not having systems and processes in place that work for you. Whether that means you need a customized filing system for your business, or you need unique storage ideas for your household, professional organizers can create the perfect system/process for you and will help you implement it. Then it’s up to you (or your assistant) to keep the system working.

Learn to Say No

Don't let your calendar control you! By making sure to set boundaries with current clients and others, you might end up being able to peaceably use your free time for job-related tasks or even for accomplishing personal goals. Sure, saying "no" can be tough at first, but taking a bit of time for yourself or with loved ones is OK if the alternative is constantly feeling overwhelmed by a packed schedule!

Saying no doesn’t mean no forever; it simply means you’re setting boundaries. Setting business hours will help customers know when they can email or contact you. Informing prospects about an opening will ensure that they’ll be among the first to know when you have time for them. Rather than giving away your time for free as a volunteer, make a donation instead!

Go Paperless

If paper is causing your clutter, take a look at where it comes from and contact each organization to ask about going paperless. Often this information is found on their website so you can save even more time by checking there. At first, you'll need an assistant who can help create a digital filing system for these statements but at least you won't see piles taking over the office or counters anymore!

Use Time Blocks to Schedule Your Day

To get the most out of your day, try deciding on a specific period when you will answer emails and use a timer to short-circuit distractions. Try using blocks of 30 minutes to respond to emails and you can even plan out more focused sessions based around calls or meetings with your team in an hour-long block. This way you know how much time you have set aside for busy work and know that you aren't going to get distracted by anything else. Focusing on one task at a time is proven to be more productive than starting and stopping multiple projects all day long

When you get clutter under control, your focus will improve along with your productivity. When you feel that sense of accomplishment at the end of the workday, it’s much easier to close that office door and focus on your personal life. 

We hope you enjoyed our article on how getting clutter under control can help you focus better and improve productivity in the workplace. Whether you take our advice and start by purging your home office of clutter, we hope you can find a solution that works for you!

Photo by Elnur on CanStock Photo

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