Focus on Growing Your Business in 2020 with a Targeted Email List

You may think, the more you multitask the more you will accomplish. I've learned trying to do multiple tasks at the same time, often leads to mistakes, overwhelm and burnout. None of these feelings or circumstances will serve your business well.

When you work on one task at a time, you're able to focus and be more creative, which produces a much better product. Take Michelin Tires for example: their focus is just one thing, quality tires. They’ve focused on their one thing and grew a highly successful company because of it.

If you want an email list full of subscribers, you have to focus on one thing, building your email lists. When you focus on growing a targeted email list, you're able to build relationships, establish credibility and turn visitors into subscribers and subscribers into loyal customers.

Prioritize! Prioritize! Prioritize!

Email marketing is an important part of your overall marketing strategy for your business and should be a top priority. Whether you are just starting a business or looking to grow your current business, a targeted email list will help you achieve your goals. I know this may feel like just another task for your already huge to do this, but email marketing allows you to put automated systems in place to attract your ideal customers on a consistent basis.

How to get the results you desire

Email Marketing allows you to grow your business, think strategically about where you want your business to go and plan for it.

First, identify who your ideal customer is. Next, create an appealing free alpha and use it to get people to join your email lists. Lastly, seize the opportunity to market directly to your ideal customers by engaging with them and providing value.

The magic of focusing on one thing

When your main focus is growing your email list, you can put processes in place that will deliver huge results over time for your business.

Email marketing works, time and time again. Contrary to some belief that email is dead, according to the report The Future of Email in 2020 and Beyond https://litmus.com/blog/infographic-5-email-marketing-trends-2020  email is not just alive and kicking, but it drives results like no other marketing channel. It is super important to invest the time needed to build a solid email list. It will not take you long to create your first series of emails because the beauty of email marketing is it takes the same amount of time to create and send one email as it does to send 500 emails.

When you automate the process you save time, reach a larger audience and build relationships with your subscribers.

Are you going to make growing your email list a priority?

Don't fall into the trap of trying to do too many things at once. Right now just focus on building your email list. Email marketing is a great way to stand out when starting a new business and a great way to stay connected when growing an existing business. Your subscribers want to receive your emails and over time will view you as their go to, or as an expert in your field. Put in the time and energy to grow your list, and your business will reap benefits for years to come.

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